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Tragedy, comedy and Yueju Opera

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:03 July 16 2010]
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Playing the part

In this latest version, Zhao Zhigang, a senior Yueju Opera actor in Shanghai, will take a risk by playing comedy for the first time.

Zhao plays the fisherman in In Peach Blossom Land, but for the rest of the play, he plays the manager of the theater who quarrels with the theater staff.

"It is really a big challenge for me, and just as Lai reinvented himself by adding Yueju Opera into his play, I will reinvent myself as an actor," Zhao said.

Lai pointed out that in the beginning Zhao couldn't help himself following Yueju Opera methods before speaking his lines.

"But now, he has become a professional drama actor," Lai said.

"Through the platform of drama, I also hope to make more young people familiar with this traditional Chinese art," Zhao said.

Huang Lei, who plays the lead role of Yun Zhifan in the tragedy Secret Love, said: "It is really an amazing and fantastic experience to play with a Yueju Opera singer on the same stage. Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land is just like the mysterious peach blossom land in the story, where colorful flowers with different tastes and flavors blossom."

Date: From today to July 20, 7:30 pm

Venue: Majestic Theater


Address: 66 Jiangning Road


Tickets: 100 to 580 yuan

Call 5169-5229 for details

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