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True Xinjiang


Lovers & Achievers

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:12 July 19 2010]
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A copy of the national emblem of China designed by Lin and Liang. Photo: Courtesy of Shanghai Art Collection Museum

Her love life also made her famous, beloved by three men: Liang, Xu Zhimo, a famous romantic poet, and Jin Yuelin, an important logician and philosopher.

Lin and Liang married in 1928 and were given a great many gifts.

Yu Shaosong, a scholar and close friend, made four works of calligraphy for the couple entitled Wishing Your Love Lives Longer than the Rock of Thousands of Years, which is also on display at the exhibition.

One of the most impressive and long-lasting accomplishments Liang and Lin created was the national emblem of China in 1950.

They researched, discussed and drafted the design which was eventually presented in the second session of the first CPPCC conference, where it was approved.

Lin died in 1955 and Liang married Lin Zhu in 1962. Hu said the city is planning to build a museum commemorating Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng.

"I believe that the museum will provide a whole new view of their achievements and their love story for younger generations," said Hu.

Date: Until July 26, 9 am to 5 pm

Venue: Shanghai Art Collection Museum


Address: 555 Gubei Road 古北路555号

Admission: 20 yuan

Call 5206-7259 for details

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