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Discovering a good location for modern art

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:16 July 21 2010]
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White, Metal Color and Wires by Pang Yao. Photo: Huang Xi

Huang Chengyuan's works, themed on the idea of an "embrace," are shown on the second floor. His images often seem like body parts obscured by smoke, but a closer inspection reveals that the body parts and smoke form nude figures.

The artist paints in acrylic and graphite, which he thinks helps to create the light and flowing quality that is more adept at expressing his emotion.

The most interesting piece in his works is Heat Flow which was painted with coffee, an odd medium that he has been practicing with since 2002.

When the coffee is splashed on the canvas, the coffee flows and penetrates in different directions forming large brown blotches after it dries.

The unexpected marks from coffee and Huang's brushes generate miraculous images - powerful but dignified, unrestrained but implicit, fitting his chaotic painting style.

The top floor houses Nian Bihua's embroidery works, which present the refined look of traditional Chinese needlework.

The artist combines paper-cutting with embroidery but cuts the fabric instead of paper.

She often cuts large flowers and leaves and puts the embroidery on fabric. Colorful stitching ties into the lines to increase the sense of movement.

The study of jewelry design at the Royal College of Art and Textile in Nottingham Trent University in the UK has provided Nian with a varied background for her creations.

With a deep understanding of embroidery, she successfully integrates the essence of traditional Chinese art and Western design styles, to generate inspired outcomes.

Date: Until July 30, 10 am to 5 pm,

(closed on Monday)

Venue: Duolun Museum of Modern Art 多伦现代美术馆

Address: 27 Duolun Road 多伦路27号

Admission: 10 yuan, 5 yuan for students

Call 6587-6901 for details

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