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True Xinjiang


Shaking audiences to the very core

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:51 July 26 2010]
  • Comments

Everyone's a critic: Tears and triumph

movie poster. Photo: Courtesy of Media Asia

Hong Lina

24, Student

"It's a touching film indeed. It helped me refocus my attention on family relationships and thus reinforce my family values. The special effects that dramatized the earthquakes were stunning, but I found that the rest, concentrating on life after the quake, was more affecting. As for the acting, I thought Xu Fan deserved all credit for her impressive portrait of a mother and whose character prompted the tears in the audience."

Kate Lewis

28, Musician

"I found the movie penetrating and well constructed. The sections where the army comes to rescue were constructed in a slightly cheesy way, though of course the PLA did play a massive role in helping the victims. Overall, it is an excellent effort that will leave many in tears."

Vivian Yeung

28, Editor

"It's very much a 'tears and tissue film' from Feng whose early works were mostly comedies. Aftershock is largely a 5-minute catastrophe film plus a 130-minute melodramatic family film. But the result is stimulating for its universal themes, high-energy visuals, dazzling special effects, sophisticated storytelling techniques, and excellent acting. The only annoying thing about the film is its excessive product placement, as audi-ences have to endure seeing so many famous brands in focus throughout the film."

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