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Measures tightened for free concerts at Expo

  • Source: Global Times
  • [08:42 July 28 2010]
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By Chen Xiaoru

Expo authorities have begun giving out specially-designed bracelets instead of tickets for free performances at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai to combat scalpers, and erecting guardrails and enlisting more staff to distribute the bracelets to avoid stampedes.

The yellow bracelets, which replace the previous paper tickets, were first used on Monday, when popular Chinese band Grasshopper played to a crowd of 1,500 at the Exposition Square in the Expo Park.

According to Tang Jiayan, an employee from the events department of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination Bureau, visitors wishing to see a performance will still need to go to the performance site on the day of the performance, from where the bracelets will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.

"Visitors will have to queue up between guardrails set near the entrance of the performance site," Tang told the Global Times Tuesday. "The bracelets will be limited to one per person, and staff members will ensure they are fastened securely to each visitor's wrist."

Tang said that bracelets are designed to be impossible to reattach once they are removed from a person's wrist, and that visitors will need to keep the bracelets on to gain entry to the performance.

"In this way, we can prevent scalpers from getting hold of lots of bracelets and reselling them," Tang said.

In addition, an increase in the number of staff distributing the bracelets and the erection of guardrails at the distribution point will prevent stampedes by eager fans rushing to secure tickets to popular performances, as has happened in the past.

There was a stampede prior to a concert by South Korean band Super Junior in the Expo Performance Center in May as fans rushed between the center's western and southern gates trying to find where they could get tickets to the performance. Scalpers were found to be selling tickets to the free performance for more than 1,000 yuan ($147) each.

Tang said the measures had proved efficient at Monday's show and would be used again.