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Lala's life – real or rubbish?

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:50 August 09 2010]
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A scene from television series Du Lala's Promotion. Photo: Courtesy of Xu Xiao'ou

By Huang Xi

The long-awaited television series Du Lala's Promotion, the latest adaptation of the bestseller, has provoked another round of discussions about working women or women's work - just as the play and film version did.

Unlike the controversial film version directed by actress-turned-director Xu Jinglei, which was attacked because it concentrated on love stories and dazzling costumes, the television version attempted to follow the book more closely by concentrating on the promotion of Lala from an administrative assistant to an administrative and human resources executive.

To present a real and comprehensive picture of a career girl in a big city, the television series added several new characters into Lala's life - like Xia Hong, Lala's college classmate and best friend, and Li Hongming, Lala's ex-boyfriend, as well as her parents.

"Lala, in our version, is the epitome of any girl who wants to succeed in big cities, and life after work is a part of living that cannot be neglected. This enriches her story and makes her more like a real office worker," said Xu Xiao'ou, the series producer.

Wang Luodan, who plays Lala in the series, successfully portrays Lala's ascension. "It was the first time I have gone right through a role where the character matured and this has improved my acting incredibly," said Wang.

To help Wang learn what office life was about, she was sent to a transnational company for an internship. "I learned a lot as an intern, from faxing to making presentations in a conference. Office working is more exhausting than acting," Wang joked.

Although fans thought it was an excellent adaptation and an inspirational example for young girls dreaming of becoming "super women" in big cities, some aspects of the show have come under fire from human resources professionals and career women who have done the hard yards in a man's world for several years.

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