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Danes dally with free spirits

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:59 August 09 2010]
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Guest performers

The band often collaborates with musicians from the Danish Royal Symphony Orchestra and regularly invites guest performers from the Copenhagen and New York underground music scenes.

Bandapart's guitarist Jakob Bro has recently released an album with several jazz legends, including Lee Konitz and Paul Motian, and has received numerous Danish music awards for his music. In 2006 he won two Danish music awards for the album Sidetracked.

Bass player Jonas Westergaard has received the Danish Radio Jazz Prize and released his solo debut in 2008, featuring his compositions for a nine-piece band. Drummer Jeppe Gram has released two albums in his own name and has also received a Danish music award.

Keyboard player Kjærgaard has released six albums, featuring musicians such as the American drum legend Andrew Cyrille and New York bassist Ben Street, and has also been awarded the Danish Radio Jazz Prize.

Date: Tuesday, 9:30 pm

Venue: JZ Club

Address: 46 Fuxing Road West 复兴西路46号

Admission: Free

Call 6431-0269 for details

Date: Tuesday, 7:45 pm

Venue: Denmark Pavilion 丹麦馆

Address: Zone C of the Expo site 世博园C片区

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