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Plastic art that cuts through reality

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:53 August 12 2010]
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Some of the other works certainly concern politics - the Between Red series from Lee Sea Hyun and A City on the Bomb, a sculpture by Ham Jin.

Lee paints what might have been typical elegant landscapes of Korea but uses vivid reds, as though blood is flowing through the countryside, in this case expressing his feelings about the Four Rivers Project. "It is like the whole country is under large-scale plastic surgery," Yun said.

Ham's intriguing sculpture, A City on the Bomb, builds a mini city on a real missile once used by American army in a war exercise with Korea.

Here foreign brands such as Louis Vuitton, Mcdonald's and Adidas mingle with homemade brands, creating a seemingly harmonious life in the name of globalization.

But it is never a proper fairytale: the brutal fact is that the missile has the potential to destroy peace.

To escape from the "disappointment" theme, other artists like Noh Sang Kyoon try to bring good feelings with Buddha sculptures covered in sequins - For the Worshipers. The shining figures might be efficacious in realizing the wishes of their worshipers but sadly things will never be as good as they appear. Good feelings, in the end, fail like broken bubbles.

Date: Until September 12, 10 am to 9 pm Venue: Minsheng Art Museum 民生现代美术馆

Address: 570 Huaihai Road West 淮海西路570号

Admission: 20 yuan, free after 6 pm

Call 6282-8729 for details

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