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China's Shakespeare takes a birthday bow

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:58 August 20 2010]
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As well as Thunderstorm, Wang has adapted two other works by Cao Yu - Wilderness in 2006 and Sunrise in 2008, both of which were highly acclaimed.

"Cao Yu is an idol for people interested in modern Chinese plays. I have been studying his works for years. But I don't seek new interpretations of these plays for fun. Classic plays have eternal values, and I want to make those values stand out. I always focus on the text itself," said Wang. "For example, in adapting Thunderstorm, I want to show the hidden cycles of fate. It is a love story and I want to focus on the human aspects."

Zhang Xianheng also sees the "human nature" rooted in Thunderstorm. "It is easier for an audience today to understand the plot," said Zhang. "The director has been bold enough to make large cuts in the original text. This reflects his confidence, which is very important to the cast and the crew."

Actress Song Yining who began her performing career 28 years ago plays the older maid Lu Siping, the same role she had in the 2007 production. "The new 'Zhou Puyuan' - the tyrant father - played by Zhang Xianheng, explores human nature of the character more deeply. The new cast has excited me and I will present a new interpretation from the way I was in 2007."

Director Wang Yansong plans to stage the plays of Cao Yu abroad. An English version of Wilderness played by students from Shenyang University, where Wang is a guest professor, will be staged at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts next month. And in 2012, Wang will audition a team of American actors to stage Cao Yu's trilogy in Ohio.

Date: Until August 22, 7:30 pm

Venue: Shanghai Drama Art Center 上海话剧艺术中心

Address: 201 Anfu Road


Tickets: 100 to 200 yuan

Call 5465-6200 for details

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