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True Xinjiang


From heroes to zeros

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:23 August 24 2010]
  • Comments

Everyone's a critic: Senility takes the stars

Sebastian Liard

35, 7 Years in Shanghai

"This is the worst foreign film of the year to come to Shanghai. I was anticipating this as a spectacle and am usually a fan of the over-the-top action films. But I ended up cringing through the whole movie, and left early. Poor dialogue, an offensively bad plot and some career-worst performances. Bruce Willis was amazingly wooden and Arnie should never have said 'yes' to his cameo."

Liu Chen

24, Shanghai Native

"My girlfriend and I both disliked this film. There are many famous Western actors, but the story didn't make any sense and we got bored with seeing the same fighting scenes again and again. There were a few funny moments but we were mostly laughing at the movie. We couldn't work out why Dolph Lundgren's character tries to kill his accomplices, then gets shot in the chest, then becomes friends with them again at the end. Madness."

Adrian Newman

28, 4 Years in Shanghai

"The film was slow to start and never really picked up momentum. The 'stars' all look old and like they have seen better days, especially Stallone, who actually looked awful. Action films always seem to require you to shut down your brain to enjoy them, but this required an extra effort. It's supposed to be a homage to 80s action movies, but even those made you care about the characters. I had no vested interest in anyone's fate here."

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