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True Xinjiang


It's not just noise

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:51 August 25 2010]
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Szkieve said that his style was inspired by the electronic music he came across in Belgium in the 80s. "From industrial music, I learned how to incorporate unusual new sounds and art forms into music, for example high-pitched or harsh noises from machines, field recordings and sampling," he said.

"'New beat' music got me fascinated with the diversity of the synthetic sounds it created, as well as its experimentation with many of the new tools proposed by the emerging computer software of the time."

The global noise scene tends to be stylistically divided and specialized, though many of these sub-genres interconnect. In Shanghai, this subcultural phenomenon is very low-key and supported by a select but appreciative crowd.

In September, Torturing Nurse will travel to Copenhagen for its first-ever European show, making links with the international noise community.

Asked whether he performs for the audiences or for himself, Junky replied: "I don't care so much for the audience's reaction. I do it to make my own noise. I am a noisemaker."

Szkieve was slightly more loquacious: "I think it is important that the audience likes what I give them. Some people like to play in front of audiences that have no knowledge of noise music. I am not a 'provoker' and would rather play for an audience educated in the genre. However, I have already performed several times for 'general' audiences. When this is the case I try to slightly adapt my music to be less extreme."

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