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Focusing on city life

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:04 August 25 2010]
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By Li Jun

Hong Kong is well-known to Shanghai people - as an important financial hub, a shopping center and holiday destination. But it is also much more than these.

City folks can glimpse the real Hong Kong by strolling along Huaihai Road and looking over Hong Kong - City, an open-air photography exhibition, at the Shanghai Times Square. The exhibition comprises 63 pictures taken by members of the Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP).

The stylish photographs - cityscapes, portraits, scenes of surprising aspects, pictures of food and surreal moments - have each been blown up to 2.5 by 1.5 meters.

One of the photographers involved, Hong Kong native Roy Lee, says he is never bored in his city of choice. "It's a city full of contrasts and surprises," said Lee.

"Even when you are in the busy downtown business areas, you can suddenly come across a quiet corner."

The 1,103-square-kilometer city, one sixth of the size of Shanghai, with a population of 7 million, is surrounded by easily accessible hills and islands.

"Unlike other cities, it's only a 30-minute walk from the central area to the hills," Lee said.

A former newspaper photographer, Lee studied fine art in France in the late 80s and early 90s, and is now a freelance photographer.

He prefers a relaxed easy-going life most of the time, but says it is not difficult to switch lifestyles in Hong Kong.

"Although the city is famous for its fast pace, it gives people options and tolerates different lifestyles. I spent five years living on a nearby island enjoying a peaceful life. When I felt too relaxed, I came off the island to rejoin city life."

City vibrancy

Carsten Schael, the president of the photographers' institute, was raised in Hamburg, Germany, and agrees about the vibrancy of the city.

"The minute that I first came to Hong Kong in 1989 as a tourist, I knew I loved this place. I was overwhelmed by its extraordinary intensity and energy. When I got a chance to live here in 1991, I had no doubts," the 36-year-old photographer said.

"My hometown, Hamburg, is about the same size as Hong Kong, but there are fewer people and it feels like a deserted city. Hong Kong is more like home to me. And it has best of both worlds - you can enjoy quietness or craziness whenever you want."

Schael's photograph in the exhibition illustrates this in a way. Harbor View, 2008 depicts a tranquil harbor surrounded by huge windows and reinforced steel, reflecting a peaceful modernity.

"Hong Kong is a visually striking city. In this picture I have captured what I enjoy most about my new home - the quality of life, the stunning views and the fact that there is never a boring day."

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