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Bending airs the wrong way

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:21 August 27 2010]
  • Comments

The Last Airbender movie poster.

Everyone's a critic: Just hot air and nothing else

Kathy Lewis

34, 4 Years in Shanghai

"I am convinced that The Last Airbender was at least partially a practical joke played by some mischievous writers on the viewing public. Not only were the acting, the plot and the script laughably terrible, but there were hundreds of hilariously delivered one-liners about the 'bending' of certain earth elements. Being American, I saw this as no more than ridiculous and silly. However, my English friends clued me into the fact that this word means something very different where they are from. So, if you want to laugh for all the wrong reasons then run, don't walk, to your local theater!"

Chen Xufeng

28, Shanghai Native

"There is nothing to say about this movie. Utter rubbish."

Robert Maguire

24, 3 Years in Shanghai

"Oh my! Fortunately I was a little drunk when I saw this movie, and actually had a good time. There were some classic lines, such as 'I always knew you were a bender' and 'I ran away, but I'm back now' and 'Earthbenders! There's earth beneath your feet!' My girlfriend was less impressed, and played with her phone throughout the entire movie."

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