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  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:41 September 08 2010]
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The Shanghai Railway Museum

The Shanghai Railway Museum is a grand illustration of the development of railways in Shanghai and Eastern China. From the entrance, you can see three major pieces, a 100-ton American-made steam locomotive, an elegant private carriage reputed to have been used by Soong Mei-ling and a specially designed narrow-gauge engine.

The museum is a classical British styled building with a heap of fascinating exhibits - like a replica of the first locomotive to run on the Wusong Railway, China's first ever railway line built in 1876 for commercial use.

There is also a century-old piece of railway track from the Songhu Railway, an old railway timetable, equipment and railway uniforms and badges.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 9 am to 11:30 pm, 2 pm to 4:30 pm

Address: 200 Tianmu Road East 天目东路200号

Admission: 10 yuan

Call 5122-1130 or 5122-1575 for details

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