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Shanghai gas company to increase inspections

  • Source: Global Times
  • [17:04 February 25 2010]
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By Huang Xi

A Shanghai gas safety official said Wednesday that they plan to institute stricter examinations of rented homes for this year’s Expo. But many local people, especially out-of-towners, do not feel particularly relieved.

“A gas examination report will be added as a mandatory supplement to the lease contract,” said Tang Yichun, director of the Safety Services Department of the Shanghai Gas Company.

The day before Tang spoke to the Global Times, a man was found dead in his bathtub from gas poisoning on Tuesday.

Figures from the Shanghai Gas Company show that 36 incidents of gas poisoning happened in the city’s downtown areas in 2009, killing 23, and most of those who died were out-of-towners.

Tang defended the local gas company by saying they hold routine check-ups every other year as common practice across the nation, as many residents blame the company for the hazard.

“We have to take into consideration our operation costs. Above all, whenever residents find it necessary for a safety check-up, we provide them with services free of charge,” added Tang.

Dong Hua in Yangpu District, told the Global Times that he once had a gas safety examiner in his house who told him that the vent-pipe of the heater ran through the ceiling of his bathroom and might pose a danger. When Dong Hua asked whether or not it was an exhaust problem, the inspector simply wrote down a warning. “I think they’re just trying to avoid responsibility in case any accident occurs,” said Dong.

In December 2008, two newly-weds and their unborn baby died from gas poisoning in a rented house. Their relatives later filed suit against the house owner and Shanghai Gas Company, and the owner had to compensate the victims to the tune of 540,000 yuan ($79,101), while the gas company was judged as not guilty as they had the release from their recent safety check-up.

A report on the Chinese gas safety website indicates that 70 percent of gas poisoning accidents in Shanghai resulted from heater malfunctions for heaters more than 10 years old.