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Tourists poke their head through Expo fence

  • Source: Global Times
  • [16:42 March 24 2010]
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By Chen Xiaoru

Photo: Chen Xiaoru

A hole in a fence surrounding the Expo Park was blocked off Tuesday in an effort to keep out overly ambitious tourists wanting a sneak peek at the Expo construction.

At least 10 people took advantage of the oversight, sending wayward tourists into the Expo construction site and charging 15 yuan ($2.20) for the privilege of taking pictures, according to the Xinmin Evening News.

A construction worker, surnamed Wang, was said to have joined in the business and he could earn more than 1,000 yuan ($146.50) in a weekend, according to Xinmin.

With the hole now cordoned off, tourists continued to swarm to the nearby Line 8 subway station, where they could get a better view of the Chinese Pavilion yesterday.

“It is impossible for tourists to get inside the park without permission. The security here is pretty strict,” Mei Beiping, a construction worker inside the Expo Park told the Global Times yesterday.