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No large-scale weather manipulation for Expo's grand opening ceremony

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:35 April 29 2010]
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By Zhang Cao

Shanghai will not carry out large-scale weather modification to stop rain for the opening ceremony of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, according to Tang Xu, the director of Shanghai Metrological Bureau in a press conference Tuesday.

Weather modification involves purposefully manipulating natural weather patterns, the most common of which being "cloud seeding" in order to produce or suppress rainfall.

When asked about whether the bureau would conduct small-scale weather manipulation if there is light rain in order to ensure the fireworks show, Zhao Shuo, the director of the press office of the weather bureau, refused to comment, only saying that it is a top state secret.

Zhao added that if there is extreme weather, the fireworks show would be cancelled, but he refused to say whether the show would be cancelled if there is light rain.

Tang said Tuesday that weather manipulation technology would not be a feasible option for Shanghai this time of year. "It would be easier to perform weather manipulation in an area with stratiform clouds, but the task is much tougher in Shanghai because it is in a cloud cluster," Tang said at the press conference. "But we are well prepared. We've already organized some indoor activities during the celebration if there is bad weather."

According to the Shanghai weather bureau, it will be mostly cloudy during the opening ceremony on April 30, as well as for the ceremony marking the formal operation of the Expo Park on May 1.

The largest weather modification operation in China's history cleared the skies over Tiananmen Square in Beijing for the National Day parade in October last year.