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A three day Expo tour guide

  • Source: Global Times
  • [11:02 April 30 2010]
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Day 1

In the morning

For all those expo fanatics, first it would be certainly be advisable to go along to the Central Axis and catch the spectacular park opening ceremony in Celebration Square. After which, why not go along to the Expo Centre to see the opening of the various national pavilions.


Between the Expo Centre and the Theme Pavilion there is a traditional Chinese food street, which is a good quality lunch option. Around this time there are some free shows by the China National Song & Dance Ensemble at the Performance Centre that might be worth a peek.

In the afternoon

The Macau Pavilion is a good choice for a spot of digestion as films will be displayed on the ceiling. Afterwards, for a taste of the east, visitors can take their pick from the Oman, Pakistan, Israel, and, Nepal pavilions which feature Buddhist relics dating back well over a thousand years. The Saudi Arabia Pavilion is definitely worth a look for their opulence as extraordinary amounts of money have been invested into them.

In the evening

Parades will take place in the Performance Centre showcasing the various cultures of those countries involved. Heading towards Celebration Square, it is possible to catch the closing ceremony of the first day.

Day 2

In the morning

To the right of the entrance gate at Changqing Road is the Thailand Pavilion, close by is the Singapore Pavilion shaped like an octagon-like music box. Both are definitely worth a visit for a glimpse of Asian culture.

In the afternoon

Take your pick from the rented Monaco and Serbia Pavilions in the recreational square. On the other side of the square is Belgium-EU Pavilion, In which for those with a love of general knowledge it is possible to participate in a quiz on Europe. A diamond will be given to the winner. Another recommended excursion is taking the cable car to view the scenery of the environmental themed Switzerland Pavilion. The Canadian Pavilion offers a chance to see Cirque du Soleil.

In the evening

It is possible to get a good dinner in the US Pavilion. After which, why not drop in at Russia Pavilion where 12 fairy tale like towers offer a stunning view of the evening sun going down. The Africa Joint Pavilion features a bazaar where one can buy all sorts of exotic tribal trinkets.

Day 3

In the morning

For a seafaring treat why not swing by the Shanghai Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Pavilion. Walking toward Nanpu Bridge, it is possible to find a 100-year-old pawnshop and the Jinyong Library.


Lunch in the Pavilion of Future is recommended as it is the largest restaurant in Puxi.

In the afternoon

A visit to the Pavilion of Future can potentially inform you on your future life. After which, to satiate your thirst for technological innovation take your pick between the Pavilion of Private Enterprises Joint Pavilion, Space Pavilion, Information and Communication Pavilion and SAIC-GM Pavilion.

In the evening

After a pleasant dinner in the natural surroundings of Jiangnan Park, the Coca- Cola Pavilion might provide amusement for no other reason than the fact that it is Cola bottle-shaped. Finally, why not gain some knowledge of the 160-year history of the World Expo at the World Expo Museum.

This is an excerpt from Expo three-day scheduleby Ni Wenhao, a Web user

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