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Expo Park lightning strike rumor goes up in smoke

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:54 June 29 2010]
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Visitors pass by the steel cables of the Sun Valley structure, which carries a sign warning people not to lean against it, at Expo Park Gate No.6. Photo: Ni Dandan

By Ni Dandan

Widespread reports in local media that the Expo Park is vulnerable to lightning strikes are based on a "misinterpretation" of words spoken at a press con-ference, according to an official at the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau.

"Some reporters have taken what was said out of context," Zhao Shuo, director of the bureau's information office, told the Global Times Monday.

A report carried by the Shanghai Morning Post on Friday claimed that the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau had said the Expo Park was prone to being struck by lightning. It also listed six precautions that visitors should take during storms.

Zhao traced the source of confusion to a press conference held last week, at which a chief weather forecaster for the bureau mentioned that places where water meets land are more likely to be the sites of lightning strikes. "I guess some reporters drew the conclusion since the Expo Park meets that description," Zhao said.

She added that the words were meant as part of a general warning to stay indoors during thunder storms. "It's just common sense," Zhao added.

As well as being widely picked up by national and local media, the Shanghai Morning Post report also sparked debate online. Over 50,000 people had read a thread on popular online community Kaixin001.com regarding the issue by Monday. While most respondents joked about the report, for example, by suggesting that Expo visitors carry a lightning rod with them, others criticized Expo Park designers for not provid-ing adequate protection against lightning strikes.

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