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Expo authority apologizes to HIV carrier

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:20 July 01 2010]
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By Zhou Mi

An HIV carrier who filed a complaint with Expo authorities for not being allowed to carry some of his medication into the Expo Park received a second apology from an official Wednesday over the way he was treated.

"I have received two apology phone calls since last week," Zhou Yi, an HIV carrier and active volunteer in China's HIV community, told the Global Times Wednesday.

Both apologies were made by Huang Jianrong, assistant chief of the Entrance and Exit Regulatory Department of the Expo Coordination Bureau. "The first call was made on June 20, and the second one today. I could feel his sincerity over the phone," said Zhou, adding that Huang invited him to come to his office to talk further.

Huang was not available for comment Wednesday. An official surnamed Zhang from the department confirmed that the apologies have been made, and there will be additional training for security staff.

Zhou Yi and his friends, also HIV carriers, were forbidden entry to the Expo Park on May 19. Security staff at the gates said the party was carrying too many anti-HIV pills to take into the park. After surrendering some of their pills, the group was allowed in. Zhou filed a complaint with the Expo Bureau the following day.

According to Zhou, Huang told him that Expo officials have held a meeting to discuss the complaint, and are working on adjusting rules about the amount of pills allowed to be taken into the Expo.

"I think the officials have displayed a positive attitude. They are willing to communicate, apologize and make changes to the existing rules. That is all very satisfying," said Zhou.

According to an Expo customer service representative, Expo staff follow internal guidelines on how much medication Expo visitors can carry into the park. While sufferers of acute diseases are exempt from the guidelines, HIV sufferers previously were not.