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Wrestlers muscle in on World Expo

  • Source: Global Times
  • [08:43 August 19 2010]
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By Craig Curtis

Muscle-pumped mountains of men will take over the Performance Center at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai on Sunday as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) stars stage a performance of the sport-cum-spectacle.

"WWE is honored that the Chinese government and Expo 2010 Shanghai have offered us this rare, historic opportunity to perform at the successful Shanghai World Expo," said WWE chairman and CEO Vince McMahon. "We are thankful to be allowed to entertain the attendees and our fans in the region at the Expo in Shanghai."

Wrestling stars making an appearance will include John Cena, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, although it is unknown if the Undertaker, a zombie-like character who performs gimmicky morbid matches in which he is buried alive or traps opponents in caskets, will put in a showing.

The WWE sees the event as a way to broaden its appeal in China. "Our programming is on TV in 88 million homes in China," WWE spokeswoman Justine Sacco said. "The WWE franchise hopes to thrust further into the Chinese market through this event."

Ian Bell, a boxing enthusiast from the UK living in Shanghai, told the Global Times that the event sends the wrong message to children. "I'm not sure if it's appropriate to have kids watch a bunch of steroid-ripped, tight-wearing idiots try to rip each other's throats out," he said. "The WWE seems to be promoting a not-very-good message to the younger generation about using performance-enhancing drugs. They seem to turn a blind eye to it."