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More kindergarten spots for disabled children on the way

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:24 July 23 2010]
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"We never rejected his application. We just called the mother to ask about the boy's current health condition last Thursday, which may have given rise to a misunderstanding," Kang told the Global Times Thursday.

Yin Houqing, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee responsible for preschool education, told the Global Times Thursday that every district in Shanghai has some kindergartens that accept children with disabilities.

"Unfortunately, not enough kindergartens open their doors to disabled children," Yin said. He added that, as kindergarten is not part of the nine-year compulsory education period, the authorities are unable to order kindergartens to accept disabled children.

Liu Chunling, director of the preschool and special education school at East China Normal University, told the Global Times Thursday that Shanghai education authorities are considering giving more financial aid and staff to State-owned kindergartens in the city to help them accept more disabled chil-dren.

"East China Normal University has also joined with Shanghai Municipal Education Committee to build an education information collection and notification system, which will track the progress of disabled children in Shanghai from the time they are born to when they complete their studies," he said.

The system is expected to be put into use by the end of September.

By the end of last year, there were 9,000 students with disabilities studying in primary schools and middle schools in the city. Liu said half of these studied in special schools, and the other half in mainstream schools.

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