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City boasts Best Global Image

  • Source: Global Times
  • [08:27 August 31 2010]
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By Li Xiang

Shanghai has narrowly edged ahead of its longtime rival Beijing to take the Chinese mainland title of Best Global Image, putting the country's other some 650 cities to shame.

The city owes its win to the votes of nearly 8,000 foreigners, who have lived in the country for at least a month. They placed Shanghai at the top of the list with 78.85 points, ousting the capital, which trails excruciatingly close behind in second with 78.77 points.

The results of the public poll run by Fudan University, Xinhua News Agency and The Gallup Organization released Monday was conducted in the spring and asked participants to base their decision on several factors affecting quality of life. Shanghai and Beijing tied for the top spot in terms of internationalization.

According to Zhao Yue from Xinhua News Agency, who contributed as a researcher, the results indicate just how competitive Shanghai and its northern counterpart are when it comes to advancing on a global stage.

"The intention of the study was not to draw attention to the long-existing feud between the two cities, but the report shows that both cities are strongly admired for their unique characteristics," he told the Global Times Monday. "Both cities have their own strengths and weaknesses, which are highly coveted by foreigners."

Shanghai ultimately gained ground over Beijing by impressing foreigners with its overall impression, desirability as a place to live, administrative efficiency, business and investment opportunities as well as  future development potential.

But for all its glory, the city fell short when it came to its treatment of non-local Chinese.

Shanghai also ranked poorly on public security at 9th, despite efforts over the past year to beef up security for the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.

Zhao, however, doubted the results on public security.

"Public security has been so good here, especially lately because of the Expo," he said. "The numbers here don't seem to prove anything."

Beijing won the hearts of foreigners for its attractive career opportunities, rich culture, natural environment and air travel convenience.

Both cities were selected from a shortlist of 30 cities from across the country, all of which made the final round because of their achievements in economic growth, urbanization, technology and per capita income of residents, as well as success in receiving frequent visits from foreigners.