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Two on trial for building collapse

  • Source: Global Times
  • [15:48 March 02 2010]
  • Comments

By Tang Zhao

One government official and one executive from a real estate developer went on trial yesterday at the Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court, suspected of being responsible for the famous collapse of a building in June 2009 that resulted in the death of a construction worker and direct economic losses of over 19.46 million yuan ($ 2.85 million)

Que Jingde, 52 and former assistant head of the Meilong Township and former board chairman of the Shanghai Meidu Property Development Company, and Zhang Zhiqin, 51 and former deputy manager of the developer, were charged with embezzling 42.46 million yuan ($6.22 million) in state assets.

Zhang also allegedly embezzled 440 million yuan ($64.43 million) of the company’s capital for personal investment. 

Both have admitted to the accusations, but Que denies that he had an official government position, saying that there is no documentation to prove that he was appointed as assistant head of the township. 

“Que’s denial is partly because the punishment will be much worse if the defendant is holding any government position, based on current criminal laws regarding embezzlement,” Li Qiang, a lawyer with the Shanghai New Star Law Firm told the Global Times on Monday.

Zhang was also accused of being directly responsible for the building’s collapse, according to the prosecutors. 

In November 2008, Zhang Zhiqin appointed Zhang Yaoxiong, an unlicensed contractor, to excavate land to build an underground parking lot. Zhang piled bedrock on the north side of the No. 7 building. His placement of the bedrock led to the imbalance of the pressure, eventually resulting in the collapse.

The court has yet to render a judgment, and the hearing continues on Tuesday. 

Chen Ying contributed to this story