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Security checks grind traffic to a halt

  • Source: Global Times
  • [10:55 April 16 2010]
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Tour buses are also being stopped. They will have to show proper ID and their luggage will be put through a scanner. The tourists themselves will also be searched by police.

Keeping in mind that in addition to the 140,000 vehicles entering Shanghai daily the city is expected to see up to 30,000 more vehicles arrive daily when the Expo begins officials said late Thursday that they will work more closely with authorities from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to ensure a timelier process during the next six months.

Authorities stressed that nearby commuters, over half of which are estimated to be without an Expo permit, can do their part by going to their local police station to apply for one.

Drivers need only bring the three pieces of identification that police require at the checkpoints to get the permit, which does not involve a waiting period to obtain.

So far, nearly 800,000 Expo permits have been issued to drivers coming from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces since the registration opened to Yangtze River Delta drivers in March.

For drivers without Expo permits based in Shanghai who plan on leaving and returning to the city, they can apply for the cards on their way out from 9 am to 8 pm daily at six major checkpoint stations: Zhuqiao, Fengjing, Huzhe, Gelong, Zhaotun and Yangqiao.

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