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Haibao hawkers elude authorities

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:59 April 20 2010]
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The Chengguan have confiscated more than 40,000 pieces of fake Haibao merchandise, Lu said, but it has been difficult to curb production as many of the factories making counterfeit Haibao toys are located outside Shanghai.

According to Chen Xuejun, vice director of the Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce, the administration plans to work with the industry and commerce departments in the Yangtze Delta region to improve the enforcement of laws concerning the production and sale of counterfeit material.

Liu Jiang, a communications officer from one of the franchised Expo manufacturers, told the Global Times that real Haibao merchandise has security labels in the price tags that distinguishes it from the fakes.

"I will buy some as gifts for my friends and relatives back in Wuhan," said a woman surnamed Zhu, who has been living in Shanghai for seven years. "If the fake Haibao are not so different from the real ones and are far cheaper, I will probably buy the fake ones."

Some Haibao fans have a different opinion.

A young woman in Shanghai, surnamed Chen, told the Global Times that she has bought an authentic Haibao at a franchise store, as she found it has much better quality than the fake ones.

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