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Kyrgyz handover causes Expo upset

  • Source: Global Times
  • [09:30 July 15 2010]
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Former director Erkinov confirmed that he no longer holds his position at the pavilion, but declined to comment on the situation, saying only that he hoped he could return.

"I began working on our pavilion six months before the show kicked off, taking charge of the decorations for the structure and so on," he told the Global Times Wednesday. "The pavilion represents the very best of our country - I would really like the chance to see this mission through to the end."

Commissioner general Sultanbek also preferred not to get into details, but said that he was pleased to step in and offer pavilion staff a break from their long days inside the park.

"This team has been hard at work for several months," he told the Global Times Wednesday. "They're very tired.

"We'll soon introduce another group of staffer from Kyrgyzstan to our pavilion," he added. "They're all able to speak Chinese, which will make communication easier."

With experience from several other World Expos that he has worked on for his coun-try, Sultanbek added that he is more than ready to take up the task, and said that he already has a vision for the pavilion's special day.

"We'll have a party with Kyrgyz folk dance performances and displays of traditional costumes," he said. "We're also planning to invite local girls to dress up in our outfits and participate in activities with us."

Meanwhile, the Kyrgyzstan embassy in Beijing Wednesday told the Global Times that several senior Kyrgyz officials, including the national minister of economic development and trade, are expected to attend the country's national pavilion day at the park next month.

Expo authorities refused to comment on the situation when reached by the Global Times Wednesday.

Linda Yu contributed to this story

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