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Italy Pavilion: A symphony of fashion and classics

  • Source: Global Times
  • [17:22 May 26 2010]
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At the entrance of the Italian Pavilion is an arch wall. Photo: Li Zhenyu

By Li Zhenyu

Italy is renowned for a variety of things, yet the most striking ones featured in its national pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo are high-fashion clothing and an array of classic orchestral instruments.

Passing through a transparent "curtain", an arch wall with sophisticated Italian-style sculptures comes into sight.

Strolling through the pavilion, you may feel like you are walking through a city boasting plazas, fashion, music and cuisine with an Italian flavor.

"The whole pavilion embodies a mini Italian city," said Dario Rota, director of the Italy Pavilion. "The Italian achievements in terms of wealth, knowledge and culture can be considered as means to live a pleasant and easy life."

"It's a lifestyle that is recognized as Italian. The main exhibition in the Italian Pavilion shows the symbols of this lifestyle," he said.

Here in this pavilion, fashion and classical music together depict a vivid picture of a typical Italian lifestyle.

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