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USA Pavilion: A small-time movie theatre

  • Source: Global Times
  • [17:09 July 05 2010]
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USA Pavilion at night. Photo: Li Zhenyu

By Li Zhenyu

The USA Pavilion, just as the fanciful Spain Pavilion, is the most impressive pavilion in the Expo Park, according to journalist Li Zhenyu. The difference however, is that the small-time-cinema-like pavilion lies at the other end of the scale.

Just two days before the July 4 Independence Day, the USA Pavilion hailed the arrival of its National Pavilion Day last Friday. Logically, it is a time for celebration, a time to admire the "spectacle" the world's largest economy brought to the colorful land of Shanghai during the Expo. Yet, behind all the hype, what this journalist saw, with bare eyes, in the pavilion graced by the Stars and Stripes was nothing more than mediocre, to say the least.

Practically all of the great powers' pavilions at the largest World's Fair are exceptional, both inside and out. The pavilion of the world's largest economy, however, is neither.

While the Spain Pavilion has impressed visitors with its "flamenco beauty", Germany Pavilion stands out with sophisticated innovations, Italy Pavilion features a memorable combination of fashion and classics, just to name a few, what awaits those Expo-goers waiting in long lines outside of the entrance gate in the USA Pavilion are one low-budgeted "Hollywood blockbuster" after another.

The pavilion, which could best be described as a small-time movie theatre, consists of three short films shown in three, and the only three exhibition halls, all presented in cinematic fashions.

The first video features non-actors on city streets being coached through basic greetings and welcoming messages in Mandarin while being watched by spectators standing or seating on the floor. The scene was a bit chaotic and negative comments were heard in different directions.

By the lengthy eight-minute "overture" was over, people were ushered into a second, larger room - with seats, for "Act One." The film highlighted Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton delivering the by-the-book message of general international goodwill (Global Times readers are able to hear the audio on this article's online page).

The stunning feature of the USA Pavilion, if any, should be the third and last show - The Garden. The so-called 4-D movie, which is mere the hybrid of mist, lightning, vibrating seats and a large screen, portrays a little girl's quest to turn a run-down city lot into an urban oasis. The scenario is no more than unimaginative. It is the manner in which the film is presented and ear-friendly song that left a positive impression on this music-savvy journalist.

By the time the three movies are over, you will find yourself at the finishing line of the "unforgettable US tour".

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