Visitors experience naan culture in Xinjiang’s Urumqi during summer holidays
By, Published: 2019-07-09 23:06:33
Shohrat Zakir, chairman of Xinjiang regional government, produces naan with children at the naan industrial and cultural park in Urumqi. Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Editor's Note:
As Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region enters the summer tourist season, the Urumqi naan industrial and cultural park which showcases the culture, production and sales of naan, attracts many visitors. Naan, a type of leavened flatbread and a staple food for people of ethnic groups in Xinjiang, has a more than 2,000-year history. The Urumqi naan industrial and cultural park opened at the end of 2018 and entrance is free. Photos: Cui Meng/GT

Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT