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On the red envelope services

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These regulations are the embodiment of the laws of human rights protection in our constitution, ...

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Besides, you need to tactically chase after big names, getting news materials from people who ...

Lü Xinhua, spokesman for the third session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

On anti- corruption

China's anti-corruption effort has no limit or ceiling and no one has impunity. 

Over the past year, the Communist Party of China made an all-out effort, adopted a zero-tolerance attitude and left no stones untouched in fighting against corruption.

Endeavors have been made to create a political climate in which officials "dare not, cannot and wish not commit corruption," with good progress being achieved.

In fighting against corruption, it is important to deal with any and all corruption cases brought to our attention.

On counter- terrorism 

China regards its neighboring countries in South Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia as its key partners in the global fight against terrorism.

China has set up counter-terrorism cooperation mechanisms with more than 10 countries and has engaged in substantive cooperation in information sharing, intelligence verification, case cooperation and capacity building.

China also took part in multilateral counter-terrorism mechanisms and have made important contributions to the international fight against terrorism.

On respecting religious freedom of Muslims

Figures proved China's commitment to respecting religious freedom of Muslims.

Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has over 20,000 mosques, 10 times as many as it had more than three decades ago.

The number of Islamic religious practitioners in Xinjiang rose to 28,000 from 3,000 more than three decades ago.

Over 1 million copies of religious classics, books and magazines in Uyghur and other languages have been published in Xinjiang.

On cross-Straits relations

The Chinese mainland will take more measures this year to enable more Taiwan people to share fruits of the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.

In the new year, the Chinese mainland will continue to pursue the policy of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, consolidate political mutual trust, deepen economic cooperation and strengthen personnel exchanges.

On Japan's attitude toward history 

Japan should take the history as a mirror and follow the path of peaceful development to win trust from the international community.

In general, most Japanese leaders, including the incumbent ones, have not yet reflected or apologized as deeply and sincerely as what German leaders have done over the Holocaust of Jews perpetrated by the Nazis.

As the world commemorates this year the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Japanese government should show its sense of responsibility, take the history as a mirror and follow the path of peaceful development.

On Silk Road initiatives

China's Silk Road initiatives should not be referred to as another Marshall Plan.

China's initiatives of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, or "One Belt and One Road", is a new model of South-South and regional cooperation.

The "One Belt and One Road" initiatives seek common development of countries with different ethnicities, religions and cultures, focusing on wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

China's initiatives have led to the Silk Road Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which aim to improve connectivity and provide more public services for people in this region.

On Winter Olympic Games bidding

Smog-choked Beijing's bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games is expected to accelerate the city and China's air pollution control process.

Beijing and its co-host Zhangjiakou, about 200 km northwest of Beijing, have seen competitive edges in the bid, but traffic congestion and air pollution could be the weak points.

The acceleration of the pollution control will not only benefit the 100 million residents in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region that has seen worsening air pollution figures over the past years, but also set up an example for other regions.

On CPPCC's attitude toward corrupt officials

China's national political advisory body is no harbor for corrupt officials.

The CPPCC fully supports the investigation into those corrupt officials who have violated rules and might break the law.

On HK constitutional reform

The central government supports Hong Kong in achieving the universal suffrage in the election of the HKSAR Chief Executive in 2017 in accordance with the Hong Kong Basic Law and decisions made by the National People's Congress Standing Committee.

Fu Ying, spokeswoman for the third Session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC)

On Draft amendments to Legislation Law

Chinese legislators will review draft amendments to the Legislation Law at the upcoming annual full session of the country's top legislature.

On dismissed NPC deputies

A total of 39 members of China's national legislature were stripped of the lawmaker status in the past two years.

An overwhelming majority of the national lawmakers are doing well. A people's congress deputy should neither stand idle while occupying the elected position nor violate laws and disciplines.

In China's five-level people's congress system, 90 percent of the 2.67 million lawmakers nationwide are lower than the county level. They should self discipline well to make the people's congress system, China's fundamental political system, work in a more effective and healthy manner.

On defense budget

China will raise its defense budget by around 10 percent this year, compared with last year's 12.2 percent.  The exact figure will be published in a budget report on March 5.

As a big country, China needs an army that can safeguard its national security and people.

There is still a gap between China's armed forces (and foreign counterparts) in terms of overall military equipment. We still need more time.

On anti-corruption

China would further build institutional mechanism to crack down on corruption. China has revised the Budget Law to better manage government revenues and spending so as to strengthen supervision on power.

China is also considering revising the Criminal Law to enhance efforts to curb embezzlement and bribery. Offering bribes to officials' relatives would be added to the list of the bribery crime.

On HK universal suffrage 

The universal suffrage in the election of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Chief Executive is unshakable.

The constitutional reform of the HKSAR should move forward rather than stand still. 

There should be more "positive energy" and consultations between the two sides. It is not impossible to find solutions as long as we have consultations.

On China's economy

Despite a slight economic slowdown, China still has a string of policy tools at the government's disposal to bolster economic growth, aiming to achieve a better-quality economic development.

We want to pursue a growth that has improved quality and performance. This will help lay a more solid foundation for us to achieve modernization. It will also be China's contribution to global economic growth.

On China-Myanmar borders stability

China has both responsibility and ability to safeguard stability of its borders with Myanmar.

We have responsibility and ability to firmly safeguard stability in the border areas between the two countries and protect the life and property of our people.

On birth policy

China is still reviewing adjustments to the country's birth policy implemented in 2014 in order to decide whether further changes are needed.

[We will] make improvements and adjustments to the policy in accordance with legal procedures. 

On China-US ties

China-US business ties will get even closer and enhance the overall bilateral relations more steadily.

China is willing to build a new type of major-country relations with the United States featuring no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

On Ukraine issue

China hopes the Ukraine issue to be settled through dialogue.

We hope there will be harmonious coexistence between neighbors, and what we hope to see is that there will be the pursuit of common development and win-win outcomes between European countries and between all countries in the world.

On policy toward HK

It is not necessary to worry about the Chinese government tightening its policy toward Hong Kong.

The central government will continue to firmly support the government of the Hong Kong SAR and the chief executive, in governing the region in accordance with the law. 

On China's development

China's development at a reasonable speed is itself a huge contribution to the world.

China needs to run its own affairs well and maintain its development at a reasonable speed. I believe that in itself is China's huge contribution to the world.

On Sino-Japanese ties

Sino-Japanese relations are now facing both "a test and an opportunity" at the important moment this year on the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.

On policy toward Taiwan

Chinese mainland will maintain appropriate preferential policies to Taiwan.

The mainland will continue to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Taiwan-funded enterprises and Taiwan business people on the mainland, and continue to provide appropriate preferential policies to them.

On local govt debts 

More than 70 percent of China's local government debts are in the form of investment which have good prospect of yielding returns.

China is capable of preventing systemic or regional financial crises while allowing market-ruled liquidation in individual and isolated cases.

On streamline govt administration

China will step up its efforts in streamlining the government administration and mandating more powers to lower-level governments to further vitalize the market.

The central government has promised to delegate the power or cancel the requirement for government review for more items, cancel all nonadministrative review and establish a system for exercising well-regulated management over the government review process.

On preventing financial crises

China is capable of preventing systemic or regional financial crises while allowing market-ruled liquidation in individual and isolated cases.

It is true that there are individual and isolated cases of financial risks, but at the same time, we are fully capable of preventing systemic or regional financial crises.

On pollution

All businesses involved in illegal production and emission, no matter what kind of business they are, will be brought to justice and held accountable.

The law enforcement departments should also have the courage to take charge and fulfill their duty while nonfeasance will be held accountable and abuse of power and breach of duty will be punished.

On entrepreneurship

The government will continue to "remove roadblocks and pave the way" for entrepreneurship, in a bid to boost market vitality amid economic slowdown.

Mass entrepreneurship and innovation in itself is a major reform endeavor.

On officials' accountability

Officials found irresponsible and careless in excising their power must be punished and they were also not allowed to be inactive or incompetent.

Premier Li stressed the rule of law in fighting against corruption, with every one being equal before the law. 

On 'Internet Plus' plan

The plan aims to integrate mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing, to encourage the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial networks, and Internet banking, and to help Internet companies increase international presence.

I am willing to advertise for new businesses including online shopping, express delivery and e-commerce. They have given a strong boost to employment and consumption for our country. 

On real estate

Premier Li said he hopes to see "there will be steady and sound growth of China's real estate market in the long run."

The government encourages people to buy homes for their personal use or buy second homes.