Kuwaiti students return to school in Hawalli Governorate

Source:Xinhua Published: 2019/9/9 17:28:07

A student gestures on her way to school in Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait, on Sept. 8, 2019. Thousands of students in Kuwait returned to school on Sunday as a new school year began. (Photo: Asad/Xinhua)


A policeman facilitates traffic in front of a school in Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait, on Sept. 8, 2019. Thousands of students in Kuwait returned to school on Sunday as a new school year began. (Photo: Asad/Xinhua)


Students attend a class at a school in Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait, on Sept. 8, 2019. Thousands of students in Kuwait returned to school on Sunday as a new school year began. (Photo: Asad/Xinhua)


A policeman stops cars as a man and his son cross the street on their way to school in Hawalli Governorate, Kuwait, on Sept. 8, 2019. Thousands of students in Kuwait returned to school on Sunday as a new school year began. (Photo: Asad/Xinhua)


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