Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/8 14:23:40

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A: Listen to this, a Manchu woman has set up an online and offline series of Manchu language classes to pass on the Manchu language. 


(tīnɡtīnɡ zhèɡè, yīwèi mǎnzú nǚxìnɡ wèile chuánchénɡ mǎnyǔ, kāishè le xiànshànɡ hé xiànxià de mǎnyǔ jiàoxué.) 

B: A lot of ethnic minority languages are facing extinction. We should preserve them.


(hěnduō shǎoshù mínzú yǔyán dōu bīnlín shīchuán. yīnɡɡāi dédào bǎohù.)

A: The problem is that the need for Manchu isn't big. I feel that only a special segment of people, such as linguists, should learn to speak a few ethnic minority languages. It's unnecessary for ordinary people.


(wèntí shì mǎnyǔ de yīnɡyònɡ fànwéi tàizhǎi. tèdìnɡ rénqún, bǐrú yǔyánxué jiā, yīnɡɡāi xuéxí yīxiē shǎoshù mínzú yǔyán. duì pǔtōnɡrén, méiyǒu bìyào.)

B: Language is culture, and culture needs to be passed on. 


(yǔyán jí wénhuà, wénhuà xūyào chuánchénɡ.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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