Sohu TV releases upcoming 2020 slate of streaming dramas

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/19 18:03:43

Zhang Chaoyang, CEO of Sohu TV Photo: Courtesy of Su Xi

At its annual Sohu TV World conference on Wednesday, Chinese streaming site Sohu TV announced its slate of dramas for 2020. 

According to the site, it will continue to focus on self-produced dramas as well as entertainment shows. 

When it comes to dramas, Sohu TV's Liu Mingli said that based on research of more than 60 self-produced dramas, the keywords "suspense" and "romance" were the main highlights. 

"Next year will see Sohu TV continue to emphasize these two genres with a number of shows including Black or White, The Trackers and Well-Intended Love," she said. 

Entertainment programming will feature more content about travel, parents and kids and food. 

For example, a reality travel show featuring four young people on the road will be released in the third quarter of 2020. 

Meanwhile, the fourth season of reality show Escort 100 Girls Home, which sees women share their personal stories, will return soon.