Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/22 15:18:39

Chat attack




A: Look,the news said that this year the number of single-member households in South Korea has surpassed the number of households of married couples with children and that by 2028 single-member households will be the mainstream in South Korean society.  

看, 新闻上说今年韩国的单人的家庭数量已经超过已婚有子女的家庭了, 2028年单人的家庭将成为韩国社会的主流。

(kàn, xīnwénshànɡshuō jīnnián hánɡuóde dānréndejiātínɡ shùliànɡ yǐjīnɡ chāoɡuò yǐhūnyǒuzǐnǚde jiātínɡle, èrlínɡèrbānián dānrénde jiātínɡ jiānɡchénɡwéi hánɡuó shèhuìde zhǔliú.)  

B:  The number of singles in South Korea is really high. I don't think I can believe in those sweet romance stories in South Korean dramas anymore.  


(hánɡuó dedānshēnlǜ zhēnɡāoā. wǒzàiyě bùxiānɡxìn hánjù lǐ nàme duō tiántiánmìmì de liànàiɡùshìle.)

A:  Don't be so pessimistic. Although this is a major trend, you can still get to know new people. You are sure to find that person suitable for you. 

别那么悲观嘛。虽然这是大趋势,但你还是要去认识新的人, 会遇到适合你的人的。

(biénàme bēiɡuānma. suīrán zhèshì dàqūshì,dàn nǐháishì yàoqù rènshí xīnderén, huìyùdào shìhé nǐderénde.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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