Know thy doctor’s orders: Patients have to pass written discharge exam

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/22 17:25:13

A hospital in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province, requires patients to pass a written "doctor's orders" examine before they are discharged. Screenshot from Sina Weibo.

A hospital in Northwest China is requiring patients to complete and pass a written exam that tests their knowledge of their doctor's orders.  

The hospital's orthopedics department is testing patients on their doctor's advice on diet, medicine, physiotherapy and future checkups.

"Patients need to know when to take pills prescribed by their doctor and how and when to do proper recovery training," Li Yanghong, a nurse of the Xi'an Central Hospital said in a video posted on Twitter-like Sina Weibo that has been viewed 46 million times. 

The target seems to be elderly patients with a poor memories. If they fail the test, Li said they are again given their medical instructions, and an informed relative or caregiver can also take the test on their behalf. Li said the test, which was initiated in May, has had positive feedback from patients and their families. 

Many netizens hailed the hospital's exam. 

"I am sure the exam isn't that hard, and it will benefit patients' recovery and shows respect to doctor's work," said a netizen on Sina Weibo, noting that some patient-doctor disputes are caused by a lack of understanding of a doctor's post-discharge orders.

Global Times.