Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/23 14:58:40

Chat attack

completely occupied (said of seats) 



A: It's the end of the year, the annual postgraduate tests are finally going to end. 

年末了, 一年一度的考研终于要结束了。

(niánmòle, yīnián yīdùde kǎoyán zhōnɡyú yàojiéshùle.)  

B: Yup, finally. Since last month, the library near my house has been completely occupied. Whenever I go in, I think I'm back in college. 

是啊, 终于。我家附近的图书馆从上个月开始,每天座无虚席。一进去,我都以为自己到大学里了。

(shìā,  zhōnɡyú. wǒjiā fùjìnde túshūɡuǎn cónɡshànɡɡèyuè kāishǐ, měitiān zuòwúxūxí. yījìnqù, wǒdōu yǐwéi zìjǐ dàodàxuélǐle.)

A: The number of people taking the postgraduate test every year is increasing. The cut off has been getting higher each year as well. It really isn't easy being a student now.


(měinián kǎoyánrénshù dōuzài jīzēnɡ, fēnshù xiàn yěyīnián bǐ yīnián ɡāo. xiànzàide xuéshēnɡ zhēnde bùrónɡyì.)

B: It's not easy for anyone. We should just happily enjoy Christmas


(dàjiā dōu bùrónɡyìa, kāikāixīnxīn ɡuòshènɡdànjiéba.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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