Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/23 17:23:39

Chat attack

the more the merrier


(rén yuèduō yuè kāixīn) 

A: Merry Christmas! Do you have plans tonight? 


(shènɡdàn kuàilè. nǐ wǎnshànɡ yǒu ānpáima?)  

B: Thanks, Merry Christmas. I'm going to a friend's home tonight. She is having a Christmas party. What about you? 

谢谢, 圣诞快乐。晚上我要去我朋友家,她组织了一个圣诞派对。你呢?

(xièxiè, shènɡdàn kuàilè. wǎnshànɡ wǒyàoqù wǒpénɡyǒujiā, tā zǔzhīle yīɡè shènɡdàn paiduì. nǐne?)

A: I haven't figured it out yet. I don't have many friends here. But it would really suck to spend Christmas night alone, so I will probably go to a place with a lot of people to have fun.


(wǒ háiméi xiǎnɡhǎone, wǒzài zhèér méiyǒu shénme pénɡyǒu. kěshì yīɡèrén ɡuò shènɡdànyè yòuyǒudiǎn tàibēicǎnle, suǒyǐ wǒkěnénɡhuì qù rénduōdiǎnde dìfānɡ còucòurènàobā.)

B: Hey, just come join us. This is Christmas, the more the merrier!

嘿,干脆加入我们呗, 这可是圣诞节啊, 人越多越开心嘛!

(hēi, ɡàncuì jiārù wǒménbeia,zhèkěshì shènɡdànjiéa, rén yuèduō yuèkāixīnma.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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