Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/26 16:48:40

Chat attack

recommend (Originally referring to marketing company Amway, but now used to mean something is being marketed or promoted to someone)  



A: I have been recommended a lot of cosmetics recently. Not only have TV show hosts said they are good, but netizens have given them good reviews. 

我最近被安利了好多彩妆, 不光是主播说它们好用,网友也是一致好评。

(wǒ zuìjìn bèiānlìle hǎoduō cǎizhuānɡ, bùɡuānɡ shì zhǔbō shuōtāmén hǎoyònɡ, wǎnɡyǒuyěshì yīzhìhǎopínɡ.)  

B: Don't you know that a lot of brands will hire someone to write good reviews? It really is easy to make money out of women.  


(nǐ bùzhīdào hěnduō pǐnpái dōuhuì ɡùrén xiěhǎopínɡma? nǚrénde qián zhēnhǎozuàn.)

A: That is not fair. When you bought those sneakers, you spent tens of thousands of yuan and I did not say a single thing.  


(zhèbù ɡōnɡpínɡ. nǐdānɡshí mǎiqiúxié, huāle jǐwànkuài, wǒkěshénme dōu méishuō.)

B: Okay, okay, I'm wrong. Maybe we should eat out tonight?


(hǎolā, shìwǒ bùduì. zán wǎnshànɡ chūqùchīfàn?)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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