Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/29 19:39:32

Chat attack




A: I can't believe it. This year is about to become the past. 

真难以置信, 今年马上就要过去了。

(zhēn nányǐzhìxìn, jīnnián mǎshànɡ jiùyào ɡuòqùle)  

B: Yup. Our kids have already graduated from college, but sometimes I still feel like I'm still in my 30s.  


(shìa, zánmén háizǐ dōukuài dúwán dàxuéle. dànshì yǒushíhòu, wǒjuédé zìjǐ háishìsānshíduō suìne.)

A: Please, half your hair has gone white. Next year, I should also get a pair of reading glasses. I can't see the small print on my medicine bottles clearly anymore. 

行了吧,你一半头发都白了。我明年也该配一副老花镜了, 药瓶上的小字都看不清了。

(xínɡleba, nǐyībàn tóufā dōubáile. wǒmínɡnián yěɡāi pèiyīfù lǎohuājìnɡle, yàopínɡshànɡde xiǎozì dōukànbùqīnɡle.)

B: Yup, we're old. Life lasts a hundred years. How about we two old people keep living well for the remaining 50?

是啊,咱们都老了。人生百年, 剩下的五十年, 我们老两口接着好好过吧。

(shìa, zánmen dōulǎole. rénshēnɡ bǎinián, shènɡxiàde wǔshínián, wǒménlǎoliǎnɡkǒu jiēzhe hǎohǎoɡuòba.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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