To stop theft of hot water, company threatens to add poop

Source:Global Times Published: 2020/1/6 17:53:40

A student is learning beside the heating. Photo: CNSPhoto

To stop theft of hot water, company threatens to add poop

To stop residents from tapping into a hot-water heating system to wash their feet, a company in Northeast China threated to pour feces into the system. 

In an apparent attempt to avoid paying for running hot water, numerous households in Fushun, Liaoning Province were siphoning off hot water from their radiators to clean their homes and bathe their feet.

An employee of the heating company told Pear Video it had caught nine households stealing hot water in just one morning. "We lose about 9,000 yuan ($1,300) every day," he said, which suggests hundreds of tons of hot water a day was being leached from the heating system. 

In the hope of stopping the practice, the company posted a notice in the community, saying it will turn the water in the heating system putrid by pouring 800-kilogram feces into it. Few residents believed the company would dare stoop to such a devious, disgusting plan, but it's not known if the hot-water thieving has cooled down. 

An employee of the company finally admitted that it was only a threat, but they didn't have any other idea how to stop residents from absconding with the water.