China waives fees for all transportation ticket cancellations nationwide

Source:Xinhua Published: 2020/1/24 8:23:54

Photo: Xinhua

China's transport departments will allow passengers to cancel their tickets of all transportation means nationwide without charging fees.

The decision was made by the Ministry of Transport (MOT), China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. and the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

The measure went into effect from Friday, as part of the efforts to control the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak, said the MOT.

Under the policy, passengers who have previously purchased train tickets at railway stations, online railway ticket-booking platforms or other channels may cancel their tickets and get refunds for free.

This policy now also applies to airlines, long-distance coach services and waterway transport, with all fees waived for ticket cancellations.

The purchases of accident insurance shall be handled together, according to the departments.

Posted in: SOCIETY