Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2020/2/9 18:41:15

Chat attack

make on one's own 



A: Why are you using so much water when kneading dough for noodles? Every time I make noodles, I add just a bit of water at a time, since I'm afraid of adding too much. 


(nǐ hémiàn zěnme fànɡ zhème duō shuǐ a? wǒ měicì hémiàn dōushì yīdiǎndiǎn jiāshuǐ, shēnɡpà jiāduō le.)  

B: This is called washing dough. You make dough and put it in clean water and then keep kneading it until the water turns milky white. The left over part of the dough can be used to make cold noodles. 


(wǒ zhèshì zài xǐmiàn. bǎ róuhǎo de miàntuán fànɡzài qīnɡshuǐ lǐ, bùduàn róucuō, zhídào shuǐ biànchénɡ rǔbái sè, miàntuán shènɡxià de bùfēn kěyǐ zuò liánɡpí.)

A: Cold noodles? You really are amazing to take such a challenge!   


(zuò liánɡpí? nǐ hǎobànɡ a!)

B: I'm too lazy to go buy some, but making cold noodles on my own is an enjoyable experience while being quarantined at home.


(tàilǎn le bùxiǎnɡ chūqù mǎi, zìzhì liánɡpí yěshì jūjiā ɡélí de yúlè a.) 

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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