Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2020/3/5 17:43:44

Chat attack

online exhibition



A: I heard the news say that museums in some parts of Italy are going to open to the public for free?


(wǒ kàn xīnwén shuō yìdàlì yǒuxiē dìfānɡ de bówùɡuǎn háiyào miǎnfèi duì ɡōnɡzhònɡ kāifànɡ ne?) 

B: The epidemic is this bad and the museums are still going to open? And it will be free?


(xiànzài yìqínɡ zhème yánzhònɡ, bówùɡuǎn jūrán háikāi? érqiě shì miǎnfèi?)

A: I recall that they also have infected there? Even if they don't, it would be better to implement some preventive measures.


(wǒ yìnxiànɡlǐ nàbiān yě hǎoxiànɡ yǒu ɡǎnrǎn ba? méiyǒu de huà, yěháishì zuòhǎo yīdìnɡ de yùfánɡ cuòshī, bǐjiào hǎo ba.)

B: They can do what Chinese museums are doing and hold more online exhibitions. People can safely enjoy art at home.


(kěyǐ xiànɡzhōnɡɡuó bówùɡuǎn zhèyànɡ, duōkāizhǎn yúnzhǎnlǎn. kěyǐ zàijiā ānquán de xīnshǎnɡ yìshù.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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