Wuhan community officials removed from office for using garbage trucks to deliver meat to residents

Source:Globaltimes.cn Published: 2020/3/12 2:52:45

Photo: Weibo

After a neighborhood committee of a Wuhan residential community was found to use garbage trucks to deliver frozen meat to residents, all the meat has been taken back by local government and destroyed. Two officials have been removed from office and are being investigated, according to the local government on Wednesday.

The official Weibo account of Qingshan district government of Wuhan, Hubei Province, said on Wednesday that due to tips from web users online, the local authority found the neighborhood committee of the community named “Gangdu Garden” had used garbage trucks to deliver 1,000 bags of frozen meat to residents and 530 bags had been delivered by the time of the discovery.

After the incident was reported, the neighborhood committee sent working groups door to door to apologize to residents and take back all the meat to destroy it and promised to deliver fresh meat Thursday in a secure and clean way.

The branch of the Party discipline inspection commission and national supervisory commission of Qingshan district decided to remove the Party chief and deputy director of the neighborhood committee from office and start an investigation.

A neighborhood committee official, who didn’t give her name, was interviewed by Chinese news portal thepaper.com on Wednesday and said that, “this mistake was probably caused by a shortage of vehicles.”

Due to the impact of COVID-19, and in order to prevent unnecessary public gatherings, most Wuhan residents are not allowed to go out to shop so officials and volunteers are responsible for delivering life necessities to them.

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