Another region in Jilin on high alert as more domestic COVID-19 cases reported

Source:Global Times Published: 2020/5/11 12:07:39

Photo: Xinhua/Xiong Qi

Another region in Northeast China's Jilin Province has leveled up its epidemic response level following Shulan city, as more confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported on Monday. 

Three new cases were reported in Jilin on Monday on an infection chain originating from an infected laundry worker, according to local health authorities.

Two were living in the Fengman district of Jilin city, which has raised its response level to medium on Monday. 

Another infected individual lived in Shulan city, under the administration of Jilin city, which raised its virus response status to the highest level on Sunday after an infected laundry worker spread the virus to 11 individuals. 

In response to the new cluster of infections in Shulan, nearby cities and counties have raised their alert levels to prevent the spread of the virus. 

Those who return from Shulan to Changchun city in Jilin Province will face 14 days of centralized quarantine and seven days of home quarantine. They will be given nucleic acid tests four times before they can be discharged. 

Nearby Dongfeng county will inspect all persons returning from Shulan within 14 days and those who plan to return to Dongfeng need to report to their local communities three days in advance of their travels. They will face 14 days of centralized quarantine and seven days of home quarantine.

Global Times

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