Strategic Visions of the EU and USA: Grave Misunderstanding of China

By Shakeel Ahmad Ramay Source:SDPI Published: 2020/6/26 18:41:18

China-EU Photo: VCG

In March 2019, the European Union (EU) presented its strategic outlook for dealing with China. The outlook has three specific objectives, 1) deepen engagement, 2) more balanced and reciprocal conditions for economic cooperation and 3) adopt to the changing realities and strengthen its base. The objectives reinforce the desire of the EU to further strengthen its relationship with China. However, the EU also declared China as a "strategic rival" and a "strategic competitor", which is appalling. Strategic rival means EU consider China as a threat to their ideology. It is difficult to understand, what the EU desires, on one hand it wants to deepen relationship and on the other hand it is considering China a strategic rival. 

Germany is trying to break this cycle of confusion. It has scheduled a meeting between President Xi Jinping and the EU leadership for September 2020, in an effort to diffuse misunderstanding and bring China and the EU closer. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has dimmed the certainty and it is unclear whether the meeting will be carried out as per schedule.

Meanwhile, the US also has released its strategic approach, on May 20, 2020 which is the same old wine in a new bottle. The document has a set of claims and misleading information about China threatening the world peace and the US being at a security risk. The approach aims to achieve four objectives, (1) protect the American people, homeland, and way of life; (2) promote American prosperity (3) preserve peace through strength; and (4) advance American influence", which are taken from US National Security Strategy, 2017. 

The US has launched a multifaceted strategy to achieve these objectives. It has introduced different policies and tools, like the Pivot to Asia, Group of Four, Indo-Pacific Strategy and many others. It is pursuing its allies to confront or abandon China. In pursuance of this policy the US is encouraging India to counter China by selling a false dream of greatness. India is blindly following the footsteps of the US in rejecting BRI, CPEC and other initiatives of China. Although the sane voices in India, are suggesting the government to join these initiatives but to no avail. The blind following and extreme reliance on one side has trapped India in the mantra of "do more", that Pakistan faced for a long time.  

The US has also built cooperation with Australia, Thailand and Japan and many other countries in the Asia-Pacific with the goal of containing China. Australia is one of its most active allies, in undermining the role of China but without much success.

The US is also pursuing its old policy of interfering in the internal affairs of its rivals; with China it is instigating Hong Kong and Taiwan against the mainland. Hong Kong is under the radar for quite some time. The US does not want the integration of Hong Kong in China because the US has strong business interest in Hong Kong with 1,300 businesses, which the US wants to use to extend its influence. Thus, the US is supporting the rioters in Hong Kong in the name of "democracy", as has been the precedence. Joining hands with the US, the UK has also offered an immigration schemes for the Hong Kong rioters that may have serious repercussions for the UK in future. 

However, the biggest victim of the US campaign is the technology sector. The US has launched an all-out campaign against Chinese tech companies like Huawei and others. It is also pressuring its allies to avoid contracting Chinese companies. 

In these circumstances, China cannot do much to satisfy the US and allies as what they are expecting from China is to surrender its desire of prospering. It is evident from their objectives, as the US want to enhance its influence, model of prosperity and the EU takes China as strategic rival in certain areas. Besides, their unwillingness to accept an alternative model of development leaves little room for mediation. This attitude is the root cause of conflict, which stems from the cold war mentality of the US and the West. 

For better and a prosperous future, the West and the US need to come out of this mentality. The persistence of this mentality would be harmful for the world's economic growth, development and peace. The cold war mentality will lead to conflicts, as we have already witnessed. However, the cost of cold war and hot conflicts would be much more this time because the world today, is more integrated and holds more sophisticated weapons of mass destruction. Besides, China is far more developed and prepared as compared to the past victims of cold war. Hence, China is a different player with numerous distinct characteristics, capabilities and ways of doing business. 

First of all, China is the only economy after the US which has double digit trillion-dollar economy with a humongous market size. China has reached the development status from where it can drive its economic growth by improving domestic consumption for decades. It has been predicted that 300 million people will graduate to middle class till 2030, only a few millions less than the total population of the US. Another, 300 million people will graduate to middle class till 2049. Besides, almost 600 million will move to upper middle class or upper class till 2049. It would be a source of huge domestic consumption, which will sustain healthy economic growth. This means China will have little reliance on foreign markets. It can bear deep shocks of economic discrimination or conflict, which is usual instrument used by the US and the EU to pressurize the countries.  

Second, China has adopted the strategy of "pre-emptive economic strike" in other words; the policy of shared prosperity. China is not only talking but taking practical steps. President Xi has launched the biggest program of human history in the form of BRI. It is open initiative to all, without any discrimination. It has developed understanding with more than 129 countries and many international agencies. It is heavily investing in the infrastructure, energy and industry across the world. The World Bank has predicted that it will give boost to global GDP, employment and welfare of people. 

Third, China has kept technology development as a key focus area. China has diverted humongous resources to develop cutting edge technology. It has also encouraged private sector to take lead and now Huawei is leading in 5G technology and no country can compete with it. China is also leading the way in quantum computing, artificial intelligence and robotics along other. It is avoiding the mistakes of the previous cold war opponent, the USSR. Although USSR was way ahead in scientific knowledge, it could not compete with the US and the West in technology development, which badly impacted the standing of USSR. China has avoided this mistake and it keeps technology development as supreme objective. 

Fourth, China is a formidable military power, which is improving with every passing day. It is focusing on four key areas a)-information warfare, b)- regional security emphasis, c)- innovation and d)- shared prosperity, to upgrade and modernize its defense. China has come to the conclusion that information warfare technology and cutting-edge military technology is necessary to safeguard its interests on a global stage. Thus, China has increased its spending on technology, R&D and equipment. 

Fifth, China is a civilization state, which is being built on the wisdom and experience of more than 5,000 years. China went through phases of development, dominance, decline and rise. However, the last two centuries have witnessed the most disturbing period of China's history. It introduced new lows for Chinese people and exploitation of the nation at the hands of so-called human rights champions of the West and the US. Surprisingly, it did not break the Chinese nation rather it developed resistance among the people. It contributed in developing the capabilities and skills to fight back the oppressors. 

Sixth, the world failed to understand the policy framework and strategic actions of China. The leading experts or diplomats or strategists try to understand China by applying the thoughts of Sun Zu, which is only one part of the big puzzle. It is a common mistake among the policy circles. The world needs to understand that China learns from the thoughts and teaching of four distinctive elders. China extracts lessons from the strategy of Sun Zu (tactics), wisdom of Confucius (harmony) and beliefs of Tao (inner strength). It also learns from the practices of Yellow Emperor, who always focused on the welfare of people. The blend of teaching and experiences of these four elders is basis of all the policies and actions of China. Hence, if someone wants to understand China, they need to understand these four elders.  

Seventh, China believes in reciprocal respect. It would be a grave mistake if someone thinks China will tolerate disrespect. It is very clear from the recent events at global and regional levels. The most prominent example is the Galwan Valley conflict with India. China showed patience but when India crossed the line, China retaliated with full force. Hence, the West, the US and allies must show respect to China in their dealing with China.         

Lastly, China's progress and handling of affairs give one message; cooperation and not confrontation will pave for a prosperous future. The West and the US need to open its mind to the fast changing world around them and accept the hand of cooperation extended to them before they pull the world down into another abyss with them.

The author is director of the Asia Study Center, SDPI.


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