700-year-old Guanyin Pavilion still standing despite Yangtze flood in Hubei

Source: China News Service Published: 2020/7/17 18:24:17

The 700-year-old Guanyin Pavilion was surrounded by flood waters from the swollen Yangtze River in Ezhou City, Hubei Province, July 17, 2019. Continuous downpours have caused water levels to rise in major rivers and lakes in many parts of the country since the flood season started.Photo:China News Service


The 700-year-old Guanyin Pavilion was surrounded by flood waters from the swollen Yangtze River in Ezhou City, Hubei Province, July 17, 2019. Continuous downpours have caused water levels to rise in major rivers and lakes in many parts of the country since the flood season started.Photo:China News Service


The 700-year-old Guanyin Pavilion was surrounded by flood waters from the swollen Yangtze River in Ezhou City, Hubei Province, July 17, 2019. Continuous downpours have caused water levels to rise in major rivers and lakes in many parts of the country since the flood season started.Photo:China News Service


The 700-year-old Guanyin Pavilion was surrounded by flood waters from the swollen Yangtze River in Ezhou City, Hubei Province, July 17, 2019. Continuous downpours have caused water levels to rise in major rivers and lakes in many parts of the country since the flood season started.Photo:China News Service


The 700-year-old Guanyin Pavilion was surrounded by flood waters from the swollen Yangtze River in Ezhou City, Hubei Province, July 17, 2019. Continuous downpours have caused water levels to rise in major rivers and lakes in many parts of the country since the flood season started.Photo:China News Service

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Posted in: CHINA

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