Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/7/19 17:23:42

Chat attack

overdose/ 药物过量/ (yàowù ɡuòliànɡ)

A: British media reported that thousands of Americans have died from overdoses, the situation might have worsened during the novel coronavirus pandemic. 

有英国媒体报道说数以万计的美国人死于药物过量, 新冠疫情之下情况或许会更糟。

(yǒuyīnɡɡuó méitǐ bàodàoshuō shùyǐwànjìde měiɡuórén sǐyú yàowù ɡuòliànɡ, xīnɡuān yìqínɡ zhīxià qínɡkuànɡ huòxǔhuì ɡènɡzāo.) 

B: The scale sounds big. Any specific figures in the report? 


(zhèɡuīmó tīnɡqǐlái tǐnɡdàde. bàodàolǐ yǒujùtǐ shùzìma?)

A: Last year, nearly 71,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, setting a new record. The White House and many experts believe that the novel coronavirus may lead to more drug overdoses and further increase the death toll. 

去年, 近7.1万美国人死于药物过量, 创下了新纪录。白宫和许多专家认为,新冠疫情可能会创造更多药物过量需求, 将使这类死亡人数进一步上升。

(qùnián, jìnqīdiǎnyīwàn měiɡuórén sǐyú yàowù ɡuòliànɡ, chuànɡxiàle xīnjìlù. báiɡōnɡ héxǔduō zhuānjiā rènwéi, xīnɡuān yìqínɡ kěnénɡ huìchuànɡzào ɡènɡduō yàowù ɡuòliànɡ xūqiú, jiānɡshǐ zhèlèi sǐwánɡ rénshù jìnyíbù shànɡshēnɡ.)

B: Any other official news? 


(ɡuānfānɡ háiyǒu qítā xiāoxīma?)

A: Preliminary data released by the US CDC shows that this trend is driven by fentanyl and similar synthetic opioids. 

美国疾病控制与预防中心公布的初步数据显示, 该趋势是由芬太尼和类似的合成阿片类药物驱动的。

(měiɡuó jíbìnɡ kònɡzhì yǔyùfánɡ zhōnɡxīn ɡōnɡbùde chūbù shùjù xiǎnshì, ɡāiqūshì shìyóu fēntàiní hélèisìde héchénɡ āpiànlèi yàowù qūdònɡde.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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