Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/7/29 16:28:40

Chat attack

auction/ 拍卖/ (pāimài)  

A: Have you heard? A French Michelin Guide published in 1900 recently sold at auction for 26,500 euros, setting a historic record. 


(nǐtīnɡshuō lema? fǎɡuó yìběn yījiǔlínɡlínɡniánchūbǎnde mǐqílínzhǐnán jìnrìzàipāimàihuìshànɡ liǎnɡwànliùqiānwǔbǎi ōuyuán chénɡjiāo, chuànɡzàole lìshǐ jìlù.) 

B: How come I have the impression that the original intention of the guide was to promote the development of car travel to increase tire sales. Am I wrong? 

我怎么记得指南原本的初衷, 是为了推动汽车旅行发展以提高轮胎销量,搞错了?

(wǒzěnme jìdé zhǐnán yuánběnde chūzhōnɡ,shìwéile tuīdònɡ qìchē lǚxínɡ fāzhǎn yǐtíɡāo lúntāi xiāoliànɡ, ɡǎocuòle?)

A: Your impression is correct. The Michelin brothers, who founded the tire company at the time, were very optimistic about new self-drive tours, so they collected practical information, compiled it into a portable manual, and distributed it for free to customers who came to the store to have their tires changed. 

你的印象没错。当时创办轮胎公司的米其林兄弟非常看好刚刚兴起的自驾游活动,于是他们搜集实用讯息, 汇编成便于携带的手册,免费发放给来店换轮胎的顾客。

(nǐde yìnxiànɡ méicuò. dānɡshí chuànɡbàn lúntāi ɡōnɡsīde mǐqílínxiōnɡdì fēichánɡ kànhǎo ɡānɡɡānɡ xīnɡqǐde zìjiàyóu huódònɡ, yúshì tāmen sōují shíyònɡ xùnxī, huìbiānchénɡ biànyú xiédàide shǒucè, miǎnfèi fāfànɡɡěi láidiàn huànlúntāide ɡùkè.)

B: Who would have thought that a guide for evaluating restaurants would surpass the tire business? 

想不到评鉴餐厅的指南, 反而超越了轮胎的生意?

(xiǎnɡbùdào pínɡjiàn cāntīnɡde zhǐnán, fǎnér chāoyuèle lúntāide shēnɡyì?)

A: The value added services are worth it.

附加服务, 物有所值。

(fùjiāfúwù, wùyǒusuǒzhí.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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